Thursday, February 15, 2007

February 15, 2007

Nater sent me this pic of Dad at Powder Mountain. Sounds like fun. I'm jealous. I would love to be on the mountain with "the boys", fluffy snow flying in my face. Sigh........ What do you think the snow will be like in Alaska? I imagine it will resemble Ice Skating down a very, very steep hill. I've heard there is skiing right on post. We'll see. Can you believe Bill tried talking me into selling my Snowboard when we moved to South Carolina? You won't need it for a very long time he said. I think that was his way of telling me I won't be going home every time there is a Powder Day. Glad I didn't sell it now. HA!

We found out The Army will move one of our cars for us. What a relief! I wasn't looking forward to driving from South Carolina to Alaska separately (I've fallen asleep while driving in the past) see my Dad for further details. We put a for sale sign on the Murano about a month or so ago. We watched the movie Inconvenient Truth (Everyone needs to see this movie) and decided buying a hybrid would be one way for us to help minimize our contribution to Global Warming. We really like the Honda Civic Hybrid, but now that we're headed for Alaska a 4x4 seems more logical. Unfortunately, 4x4 and environmentally friendly don't necessarily go hand & hand, so who knows what we'll do. We are just happy to be headed to Alaska. Smile.

I've attached a picture of the view from my office for those of you who haven't seen it yet. I took the pic with my phone so it's not the greatest quality but you get the point. Downtown Columbia is a great town. The streets are lined with brick patterns. You'll find giant old clocks on street corners. I'll bring my camera to work so while I'm out walking on my lunch I can snap pictures to show all of you.

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