Friday, November 21, 2008

Alaska News.......

It's supposed to hit 40 below tonight with wind chill. Anyone up for a bbq? NOT!

I saw a BUSH CHENEY 04' bumper sticker the other day. Why someone would still have that on their car is beyond me. Are they really still proud of the fact they voted for him? I suppose some are. Whatever.

I also saw my first Sarah look alike. Standing in line at Freddy's. She seriously could have doubled for her. Weird.

It seems Senator Steven's will be missed by many. They say he has been a large part of Alaska's positive changes for over 50 years. What do you think?

I hear gas just dropped under $2.00 in the lower 48. Still almost $3.00 here. Would someone mind telling whoever is in charge up here about the change please. Thank you.

On that note. The gas guy will be filling our tank today. Our 1000 gallon tank that supplies the fuel to heat our house. Can't wait to see that invoice.



Angie said...

Fuel was $1.75 today at Costco!!

Wow, 1000, and I used to think filling up a 500 gal tank was scary...

Ryan and Jen Shoemaker said...

Hi Liz,

Ryan and I have wondered about how to handle the whole Santa thing, too. Okay, it's really me who's more torn over it. I don't want to lie to him, but I don't want to ruin the fun of a collective childhood experience either. Luckily, I think I have one more year before this really becomes an issue.

Unknown said...

Okay - I did not get to vote on this because I was slow in looking at the updated blog...however, yes there is a Santa - being of Dutch/German decent we were taught of St. Nicholas. This was a REAL person not a myth or legend and when my children have questioned the Santa issue I tell them of Nicholas and how he brought joy to the children and placed gifts in their wooden shoes (that were left on the porch) things like an orange, nuts, small gift items. Keeping with my heritage, I keep a pair of wooden shoes under my christmas tree every year as well as a nativity sceen. To explain to the kids in the month of December it is a celebration and a rememberance of giving, love, and family - the birth of Christ as well as Saint Nicholas celebrated together. However I try to give a gift to them each St. Nicholas Day (something small) for them to remember the true meaning behind Santa.

The tradition of Saint Nicholas Day, usually on 6 December, is a festival for children in many countries in Europe related to surviving legends of the saint, and particularly his reputation as a bringer of gifts. The American Santa Claus, as well as the Anglo-Canadian and British Father Christmas, derive from these legends. "Santa Claus" is itself derived from the Dutch Sinterklaas.

kat said...

Wow, I learned a lot about "Santa" from reading the comments, thanks. I too was torn on this one. After much deliberation, I voted for the magic.