Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Just a quick visit to Santa's workshop

Santa's workshop is about a 10 minute drive for us. Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus weren't there this day so Fisher got to play Santa. We've decided to not mislead Fisher into believing in Santa, Easter bunny etc. but, I wonder what the concequences are for this. Is it better to believe and find out later the magic never existed or be given the truth and never believe the magic? Either way, I couldn't pass up the photo op living in North Pole and everything.

1 comment:

The Jensens said...

I remember believing in Santa and how wonderful it was to think this Jolly old man came and gave me gifts just for being good. I think that it is better to believe in the Magic and find out later. If you decide to tell, Make sure he keeps it a secret, I love that Bodey believes in Santa!! I use it as leverage!!! I know I am evil!!